
Holiday Fundraiser Ideas to get Everyone Involved

Holiday Fundraiser Ideas to get Everyone Involved

The holiday season has officially arrived, and brings with it a time for merriment, cheer and giving. Giving during the holidays is one of the most joyful experiences because you get the chance to sha... ...more


December 11, 20233 min read

How Giving Can Make Us Happy

How Giving Can Make Us Happy

‘Tis the season of giving! As the air gets colder, our hearts become warmer; we give gifts to friends, family and even the occasional stranger. There’s something about the holiday season that fills us... ...more


December 04, 20233 min read

3 Ways Singing is Good for your Health

3 Ways Singing is Good for your Health

Singing has been one of humanity’s most joyful pastimes for thousands of years. Joining in with a group to make music is proven to reduce stress while encouraging people to work together to create uni... ...more


November 27, 20232 min read

Giving Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Giving Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! This week and leading up to Thursday, homes across the United States will be filled with people, laughter and the delicious smell of sweet, sweet Thanksgiving holiday food. ...more


November 20, 20233 min read

Why Small Business Saturday is Good for You and Your Community

Why Small Business Saturday is Good for You and Your Community

Small Business Saturday is coming up on November 25th, and it offers a perfect chance to get out of the house, discover your town’s hidden treasures and give back to your local economy. This celebrati... ...more


November 13, 20232 min read

Recognizing National Child Safety and Protection Month

Recognizing National Child Safety and Protection Month

Welcome to November! Halloween is over, and November brings with it the scent of pumpkin pie, cranberries and of course, delicious turkey. But one thing you may not know about November is it is also r... ...more


November 06, 20233 min read

Top Tricks to Make Halloween a Treat

Top Tricks to Make Halloween a Treat

Happy Halloween! This week is filled with the fresh smell of leaves in the air, the sight of pumpkins sitting on doorsteps and of course, the sound of children laughing as they prepare their costumes ... ...more


October 31, 20233 min read

Creative Fundraising Ideas to Try This Fall

Creative Fundraising Ideas to Try This Fall

Pumpkins on every doorstep, changing colors in the trees and spooky decorations around every corner… It's that time of year again! October is often celebrated for its hayrack rides, pumpkin carvings a... ...more


October 23, 20233 min read

Fun Fall Adventures for You and Your Family

Fun Fall Adventures for You and Your Family

It’s that time of year again: the time when leaves turn bright colors and start to crunch beneath your feet, the air gets brisk and fresh and Mother Nature prepares for the cold coming months ahead. I... ...more


October 16, 20232 min read